Saturday, March 23, 2013

Welcome To My Brain on Running!

Yes, yes, that is what popped into my head, the old commercial about frying your brain on drugs.  I suppose that dates me a bit, but truly, running is my drug.  My goal here is to share my thoughts as a runner of over 25 years who has been called crazy, fanatical, zealous and passionate.  In truth, I have to be all of those in order to drag myself out of bed at 4:30 each morning to exercise.  That craze though, that comes over me each day while the majority of the sane population is still warm and snug in their beds, brings me to a place where I can free myself, my body and my mind.  That is what I will share.  For now, it is late.  I ran an exhausting 10 miles today.  (I seem to be training for some race, my mind just hasn't told me which one yet).  4:30 comes early, so I must retire, let my body rest and rebuild.